You can watch the teaser trailer for the upcoming title down below. Slitterhead has no release date or platforms currently announced. It was for his work on this series that Toyama received the outstanding performance award at the 16th Japan Media Arts Festival and the excellence award at the Japan Game Awards. The trailer begins with some text that states: 'In 1999, Keiichiro Toyama chose horror as the genre for his. It shows off some interesting scenes that have many of us puzzled by the game's direction. The only trailer to be released for Slitterhead was its reveal trailer. While Toyama is known for his role in one of the most influential franchises in video games, he has worked on a horror game since 2008's Siren: Blood Curse while also working on non-horror projects like the Gravity Rushseries. : Slitterhead - Teaser Trailer - TGA 2021. It was also announced last month that the visual director of Mega Manand Breath of Fire as well as the character designer on Devil May Cry 4and Devil May Cry 5, Tatsuya Yoshikawa. All the latest trailers and gameplay from The Game Awards 2021 here. In practice, Slitterhead looks like Silent Hill turned up to 11 with. And he came back to face a new challenge in horror. The game will also include music from fellow Silent Hill alum Akira Yomaoka, who has also worked on titles such as Killer is Dead, Lollipop Chainsaw, and The Medium. Reveal Trailer The Game Awards 2021 of Slitterhead. In 2020, he went independent and founded Bokeh Game Studio.

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